1st round of Slovak BJJ league

BJJ Slovakia under patronage of Nick Brooks invites you to 1st round of Slovak BJJ league taking place on 2nd March in Bratislava. The tournament is for white and blue belts only.

Chief referee will be Nick Brook, who is a black belt under Roger Gracie and mentor of our instructor Ľubo.

Weight categories

White belts

Men: -70 kg, -76 kg, -82 kg, -88 kg, -93 kg, +93 kg
Masters (over 30 y.): -82 kg, +82kg
Juniors (year of birth 1995-2000): -77 kg, +77 kg
Women: -65 kg, +65 kg

Blue belts

Men: -70 kg, -76 kg, -82 kg, -88 kg, -93 kg, +93 kg

The organizator reserves right to change the weight categories after the registration is over depending on the number of registrants in each category.

Starting fee

Starting fee is 15 Eur.


Scoring will be according to IBJJF rules.


9:00 - weight-in (in gi - it should be clean and without tears)
9:45 -  rules explanation
10:00 - tournament start


Wrestling hall ZK Dunajplavba, Horárska 12/B, Bratislava.


On-line registratin is open till 1st March 23:59:59.